Volunteers for Seniors

Here at Services for Seniors,
our volunteers are SO important to us!

​We literally could not run without them!

If you have volunteered with us in the past, and would like to start again, please contact us! 

Services for Seniors meal program provides a hot nutritious lunch for Seniors Monday to Friday in the
Morden Activity Centre, Legion House 2 and Oak West Estates.

Our meal delivery service runs 5x/week because of our dedicated volunteers.

We require reliable individuals from our community to assist in the prep, serving, clean up, and delivery of our meal program.
 Shifts are typically from 10:00am-1:00pm. Lunch is included for volunteers.

​Without our volunteers we would not be able to run the meal program or many of our outreach programs the way we do.
​We need YOU and one day YOU may need us!

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Services for Seniors office: 204-822-5663