E.R.I.K. Kits
E.R.I.K. is an Emergency Response Information Kit developed in response to community concerns regarding the availability of adequate information in emergency situations. E.R.I.K. is ideal for seniors, chronically ill persons, those who live alone or who have caregivers and others who have speech difficulties or communication barriers.
E.R.I.K. can potentially be your lifesaving kit which includes a health information form with your personal information, medical history, allergies, medication as well as contact information and health card numbers. Included in your kit are a health care directive form and an organ donor card for your consideration. Once your kit is completed, it should be placed on your fridge door where emergency crews are trained to look should there be an emergency situation in your home.
E.R.I.K. Kits are available at the Services for Seniors office for FREE until supplies run out.